SEO Checklist- Part 3 -DA, PA & Rank Check

My last blog was about UI/UX Analysis that is required for SEO for your website. Today I will talk about the Domain Authority, Page Authority, and Rank Checking techniques which are indispensable for SEO.

Website Analysis: Domain Authority (DA)

"Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs). A Domain Authority score ranges from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank. 
Domain Authority is calculated by evaluating linking root domains (the number of unique other sites that link to your page/site), the number of total links, MozRank, MozTrust, etc. — into a single DA score. This score can then be used when comparing websites or tracking the "ranking strength" of a website over time." - taken from Moz
This is the snapshot of a Domain Authority Score shown by MozBar (a Free Chrome Extension for checking DA)

How is Domain Authority scored?

  • Based on MozScape Web Index
  • It is scored out of 100
  • Logarithmic scale based on a website's popularity
  • MozRank
  • MozTrust
  • Link Counts to your domain

Eg. 10 domain + 100 total links = actually 10 counts
Engineers at SEOmoz have found that "# of linking root domains" is much more highly correlated to real rankings than "# of links".

What is meant by a good Domain Authority?
  • An absolutely new website will always start with a DA=1/100
  • Sites with a large number of high quality external/ inbound links will have a higher Domain Authority. e.g. has a DA=92/100, Wikipedia=100/100
  • Sites with a small number of inbound links will have a lower Domain Authority
  • Good DA can be achieved by getting more high-quality inbound links that just a large volume of good and bad quality links. Links from spammy sites will be considered while calculating the DA of a site.
Why my DA is not improving?
  • Your Link profile is new and not have been captured by Mozscape web index
  • Your links are from sites that do not contribute to Google ranking, etc.

Website Analysis: Page Authority (DA)

"Page Authority (PA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a specific page will rank on search engine result pages (SERP). Page Authority scores range from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank."  - taken from Moz

Website Analysis: Rank Check

It is the position of the website you are looking for against a certain keyword/phrase in the Google Search Results Pages. See the screenshot below:-

Tools to Find Google Rank of a site:- SERP Trends (a Free Chrome Extension for checking ranks)

Methods to find Google Rank with/without SERP Trends:-

Step 1:- First choose the country you want to search your ranking in. For example, if you're searching for ranking results for your site in the UK then first change the Google search engine domain to the UK domain ie.

Step 2:- Make sure you are in the UK's Google Search Engine. For this, you need to do a little test. Type a keyword in the search box and hit the enter button. You will find a long list of search results on the first page.

Notice the organic search results. There is a small down pointed arrow on the RHS of the green colored website url of the search result. Click on that arrow. You will see Cached values of this particular page.

See the red marked value at the bottom of the screenshot: "=in". That's the value which will tell you in which country's search engine this particular page result has been cached. "-in" is the country code means it is in India.

Step 3:- Change it to "=uk" by typing &gl=uk after the search query.

Repeat Step 2 till the "=in" value changes to "=uk"

Step 4:- If your SERP Trend is used the search results will automatically show the rank on the LHS of each individual search results. If this extension is not added to the Google bar, then either you count the result or you can calculate the rank from the cd value that is shown from the cached value strings at the bottom. See screenshot:-

Few things to remember:- 
  • Use Hoxx VPN (a Chrome/Firefox Extension for changing the VPN & IP address of your computer) to change the domain of the search engine.
  • Do not search the ranks for too many keywords/phrase on the search engine. The search engine might detect unusual traffic from your IP and ban you from further searching for results for 24 hours.
  • While counting for ranks do not consider the following types of search results:-
    • Sponsored Search Results like Google Ads
    • Knowledge Graph Results
    • Local Search Results
    • Image Search Results
Other Tools for Searching Ranks:- 
Now use these techniques and tools to search Ranks for your keywords on Google and Bing.


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