SEMrush Errors Checklist 2021

Looking for errors can be exhaustive and mind-blowing if you don't know where to look for and how to find them out on your website. Here is a checklist of errors that can possibly destroy your SEO efforts if not taken care of in time. The list is provided by the SEMrush tool.

The checklist is divided into three parts:- Errors, Warnings & Notices


Here's a list of Errors you need to keep in mind while auditing your website.

  1. Hreflang conflicts within page source code Why and how to fix it
  2. Issues with incorrect hreflang links Why and how to fix it
  3. Broken Internal links Why and how to fix it
  4. Pages returning 4XX status code Why and how to fix it
  5. Incorrect pages found in sitemap.xml Why and how to fix it
  6. Pages with a broken canonical link Why and how to fix it
  7. Broken Internal Image Why and how to fix it
  8. Issues with mixed content Why and how to fix it
  9. Pages returning 5XX status code Why and how to fix it
  10. Pages not having title tags Why and how to fix it
  11. Issues with duplicate title tags Why and how to fix it
  12. Pages having duplicate content issues Why and how to fix it
  13. Pages that couldn't be crawled Why and how to fix it
  14. Pages that couldn't be crawled (DNS resolution issues) Why and how to fix it
  15. Pages that couldn't be crawled (incorrect URL formats) Why and how to fix it
  16. Pages having duplicate meta descriptions Why and how to fix it
  17. Robots.txt file having format errors Why and how to fix it
  18. Sitemap.xml files having format errors Why and how to fix it
  19. Pages having a WWW resolve issue Why and how to fix it
  20. Pages having no viewport tag Why and how to fix it
  21. Pages having too large HTML size Why and how to fix it
  22. AMP pages having no canonical tag Why and how to fix it
  23. Issues with hreflang values Why and how to fix it
  24. Non-secured pages Why and how to fix it
  25. Issues with expiring or expired certificate Why and how to fix it
  26. Issues with old security protocol Why and how to fix it
  27. Issues with incorrect certificate name Why and how to fix it
  28. No redirect or canonical to HTTPS homepage from HTTP version Why and how to fix it
  29. Redirect chains and loops Why and how to fix it
  30. Pages having multiple canonical URLs Why and how to fix it
  31. Pages having a meta refresh tag Why and how to fix it
  32. Issues with broken internal JavaScript and CSS files Why and how to fix it
  33. Subdomains don’t support secure encryption algorithms Why and how to fix it
  34. Sitemap.xml files are too large Why and how to fix it
  35. Links couldn't be crawled (incorrect URL formats)  Why and how to fix it
  36. Structured data items are invalid Why and how to fix it
  37. Pages have slow load speed Why and how to fix it


Here's a list of Warnings you need to keep in mind while auditing your website.

  1. URLs with a temporary redirect Why and how to fix it
  2. Images that don't have alt attributes Why and how to fix it
  3. Pages having low text-HTML ratio Why and how to fix it
  4. Issues with unminified JavaScript and CSS files Why and how to fix it
  5. Pages having too much text within the title tags Why and how to fix it
  6. Links on HTTPS pages leading to HTTP page Why and how to fix it
  7. Pages having a low word count Why and how to fix it
  8. Pages that don't have an h1 heading Why and how to fix it
  9. Pages that doesn't have enough text within the title tags Why and how to fix it
  10. Pages having duplicate H1 and title tags Why and how to fix it
  11. Broken External links Learn more
  12. Broken External images Learn more
  13. Pages that don't have meta descriptions Learn more
  14. Pages that have too many on-page links Learn more
  15. Pages having too many parameters in their URLs Learn more
  16. Pages having no hreflang and lang attributes Learn more
  17. Pages that don't have character encoding declared Learn more
  18. Pages that don't have doctype declared Learn more
  19. Pages that use Flash Learn more
  20. Pages that contain frames Learn more
  21. Pages that have underscores in the URL Learn more
  22. Outgoing internal links contain nofollow attribute Learn more
  23. Sitemap.xml not indicated in robots.txt Learn more
  24. Sitemap.xml not found Learn more
  25. Homepage does not use HTTPS encryption Learn more
  26. Subdomains don't support SNI Learn more
  27. HTTP URLs in sitemap.xml for HTTPS site Learn more
  28. Uncompressed pages Learn more
  29. Issues with blocked internal resources in robots.txt Learn more
  30. Issues with uncompressed JavaScript and CSS files Learn more
  31. Issues with uncached JavaScript and CSS files Learn more
  32. Pages have a JavaScript and CSS total size that is too large Learn more
  33. Pages use too many JavaScript and CSS files Learn more
  34. Link URLs are too long Learn more


Here's a list of Notices you need to keep in mind while auditing your website.

  1. Links that have no anchor text  Why and how to fix it
  2. URLs with a permanent redirect Why and how to fix it
  3. Pages need more than 3 clicks to be reached Why and how to fix it
  4. Orphaned pages in sitemaps Why and how to fix it
  5. Links on this page have non-descriptive anchor text  Why and how to fix it
  6. Pages having only one incoming internal link Why and how to fix it
  7. Pages having more than one H1 tag Why and how to fix it
  8. Subdomains don't support HSTS Why and how to fix it
  9. Link to external page or resource returns a 403 HTTP status code  Why and how to fix it
  10. Pages that are blocked from crawling Learn more
  11. Page URLs that are longer than 200 characters Learn more
  12. Outgoing external links contain nofollow attributes Learn more
  13. Robots.txt not found Learn more
  14. Pages having hreflang language mismatch issues Learn more
  15. Pages blocked by X-Robots-Tag: noindex HTTP header Learn more
  16. Issues with blocked external resources in robots.txt Learn more
  17. Issues with broken external JavaScript and CSS files Learn more
  18. Resources are formatted as page link Learn more


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