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Useful Tools for Keyword Suggestions

  • Answer the Public: Good for Keyword Suggestions/Questions/Prepositions/Comparisons/Alphabetical
  • UberSuggestGood for Keyword Suggestions
  • Keyword.ioGood for Youtube Keyword Suggestions
  • SEOChat Google Keyword SuggestionsGood for Keyword Suggestions
  • Soovle: Scrapes Google, Bing, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube, and to generate hundreds of keyword ideas from a seed keyword. Very powerful tool, although the UI could do with some work.
  • Google Keyword Planner / Trends / Webmaster Tools / Analytics / Sheets — Must-use tools for all SEOs. Find and research keywords (Keyword Planner) and identify trends (Trends). Identify and fix website issues (Webmaster Tools). Analyse how many people are visiting your website, who they are, and where they come from (Analytics). Gather, process, and analyze all kinds of SEO-related data (Sheets).
  • Bing Webmaster Tools
  • Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords generator. TextOptimizer is another very similar tool that does roughly the same job.
  • KWFinder: Long tail keyword research tool.
  • Moz’s Keyword Explorer: Keyword Explorer offers Volume and Difficulty, Opportunity: Relative CTR of the organic results on a SERP, Importance: How critical the keyword is to your campaign, Potential: A combination of all keyword metrics to help you prioritize

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